Plinko Verde

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In the first year The Turning went to 11 towns and cities, across the UK and France, working with churches across the areas to see many respond to the Gospel. As the year developed and we learnt how to steward this grace we began to reach regions not just cities.


If you are interested in bringing The Turning to where you live, the first step is to contact us through this website.

There are various milestones from the time you have expressed interest to the launch itself.  These are written below but will be discussed with you and the regional team in more detail.

1. Inital Meeting.

The first thing we will do is meet with you; whether over Skype or over coffee.  The aim of this is to hear your heart for why you want The Turning to come to your area and for you to hear our heart and vision for the U.K.

We will be able to discuss with you how a regional mission is organised, what these Hubs look like and give advice on how to create a Regional Team.

2. Creation of Regional Team.

In order for us to be able to reach your county we need to create a regional team, this is the team that will help you galvanise what is happening in each of the Hubs and help keep momentum building as we get closer to the launch.

Usually, the regional team are your Hub leaders; the people who will work with Churches in an area in unity to run The Turning in that area.

Once the regional team is created we will meet with you as a team to talk through the next steps.

3. Global Celebration.

To launch The Turning in your region we will hold a global celebration, inviting people from cities, towns and villages across your region to worship the Father and hear our heart and vision for their region.

This will happen in one central location so will need to be somewhere that people can easily travel to.

4. Leaders' Preparation.

The Turning is successful when the Church Leaders are equipped to take their own churches on a journey; for us, it is the local pastors, vicars and ministers that are the heroes.

We run a central day training event to pour into these local heroes all that Father has taught us.  Envisioning and Equipping them to get their own communities ready for the launch.

5. Half Night of Prayer.

Prayer, Worship and the Presence of God is at the heart of all that we do.

Before The Turning Launch, we will hold a half night of prayer to prepare our hearts for what is to come.  This will be an opportunity for all to come and gather together to lift the launch up in prayer.  There will be opportunities to pray for the region as a whole and to pray for each Hub.  There will also be a time for envisioning ahead of the mission, hearing what Father has been doing and our heart and vision for your county.

The Turning Launch.

The Turning Launch kicks off in one location in the region with an Encounter evening; a time to worship and meet with God so that he can equip us for the outreaches to come.  We have found that it is a lifestyle of encounter that changes us and enables us to go out to tell people of his love.

The Turning Launch rhythm is pretty simple; there will be evening encounter meetings where we will worship God, pray and enter into His presence, followed by morning outreaches. For the duration of the launch, we will encounter Him in the evenings and go out in the day.

The evenings are a time for worship and encounter and times of ministry.  The morning will involve worship, prayer and training before going out on the streets. The outreach is as simple; face-to-face evangelism, sharing the gospel before asking people if they would like prayer and if they would like to respond to Jesus. Once people have responded we ask for their follow up details so that we can follow them up, get to know them and begin the process of discipleship.

After The Turning Launch.

The Turning works through the local community, we work to equip you and your local church leaders across your region.

This is so once the launch is over and the ‘Turning Team’ have gone home you are equipped and ready to continue with outreach and follow people up.  We ask that everywhere we go continues to go out monthly and continues to build momentum; drawing in new Churches in their Hubs and new Hubs in their region.

Each year the regions will run ‘pushes’ where they have a focussed Turning outreach week across their county, using the same rhythm as the launch week and involving the new Churches and Hubs.

In 2020 we are asking all regions to run this in the same week as we begin to look at having a Mission to England (and beyond).

next mission